While escorting a lady friend back to her car in downtown Boulder, CO I noticed a car with it’s lights on. My friend commented that she remembered seeing the lights left on when she left to join me at a coffee shop some 2 hours earlier.
Month: June 2008
RIP funny man – “CNN – George Carlin, the influential comedian whose routines used profanity, scatology and absurdity to point out the silliness and hypocrisy of human life, has died. He was 71.”
Found this cute video on MySpace video of all places, them Huskies are pretty smart especially when it comes things food related! This Isn’t Gum
Faster, safer and smarter than Firefox 2 that is. June 17 was download Firefox 3 day. It got off to a bit of a piss poor start as yours truly attempted to download this brand spanky new version of our favorite browser only to discover a website that had clearly shat the proverbial bed due to the rest of the world and their mother attempting to do the same thing.
A new series of TopGear is about to be unleashed on UK viewer, check out this funny promo video. Tea and biscuits anyone ?? Time to fire up the bittorrent client and get a downloading! Come on chaps, put it on the iTunes music store and I’ll gladly pay for it.
Just spent the best part of half an hour getting a buddies supposedly up to date Dell XP lappy connected to my Wi-fi network. I’m running a secure WI-FI network using the WPA2 protocol. This is lot more secure that the old WAP protocol so if you’re running a home wi-fi network then you probably […]
description, 10); // Change this to the number of characters to remove from the beginning of each post. This allows you to remove username: from the beginning of each post.
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Iphone 3G – New Iphone July 11th
The new Iphone is here, not really new more of an evolution than revolution. In the bottom line department the new iPhone is gonna be 1/2 the cost just $199 compared to the $400 I paid for the 8 gig model, ouch (the price of early adoption). The data rate when you’re not on wifi is now 3G as apposed to slow 56k pokey Edge so 1700kbps vs the 200kbos of edge. GPS is now built in also a nice feature.
Backup, what backup??