Iphone 3G – New Iphone July 11th

New-Iphone-GPS.pngThe new Iphone is here, not really new more of an evolution than revolution. In the bottom line department the new iPhone is gonna be 1/2 the cost just $199 compared to the $400 I paid for the 8 gig model, ouch (the price of early adoption). The data rate when you’re not on wifi is now 3G as apposed to slow 56k pokey Edge so 1700kbps vs the 200kbos of edge. GPS is now built in also a nice feature. Audio is supposedly better, audio quality was ok in my opinion. They have added Exchange support for business users too. It’s coming to 54 odd countries including South Africa and Australia!

I think the biggest thing to look forward to is the ability to add apps to the phone. I want a decent IM client, be able to use SKYPE to talk to South Africa for free, a blogging client to update this bloody blog to name just a few apps. The good news is from what I’ve seen this is all possible, that for me is what I’ll be waiting for!

My personal experience with 9 months of the old iPhone

  • The Bad

  • ATT in my neighborhood sucks, as many dropped calls as dropped trousers at a bachelor party! I appear to live in a ATT bermuda triangle really, and it does seem to be localized a block or so around my house.
  • No video, come on we want video – perhaps iphone 2.0 upgraded software will allow apps to use this!!
  • Simple cut and paste – no sorry can’t do on an iphone
  • Headphone jack recessed – new iphone has fixed this but old one required an adaptor to use a mini plug found on regular headphones
  • No instant messaging – will be taken care off soon I hope
  • The Good and great

  • Ipod is excellent, really great
  • Interface – nothing like it in ANY phone for twice the price !!
  • Browser – a real we browser, you can actually use it
  • Ease of use, fantastic. I like to think of myself as being a tech savvy guy but I’m been stumped numerous time trying to figure out how to do something simple on high end Nokias and Sony Erickson phone. I’d like to say anyone can pick up the phone and start using most of it’s features right away.
  • Phone and ipod integration great, jammin to tunes or listening to BBC podcast, call comes in, audio level from ipod drops down and call ringer goes up. Hang call up, ipod starts playing where you left off, volume is faded back up
  • Ergonomics – a slippery little bugger, needs a case or a skin or even tape on the sides to stop it slipping out of your hand. Great size otherwise.
  • Screen, I can finally read a cell phone screen in broad daylight

Picture 6.pngSo in summary, the worlds best phone just got a whole lot cheaper and some nice additions too. I think they’re gonna sell a ton more of these pups now, glad I still have some APPL stock.