Web Success Pros – websuccesspros.com SPAMMER!! -oneyearplan.net

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Web Success Pros – websuccesspros.com / carbon copy pro / oneyearplan.net is a SCAM and a big time Spammer of Craigsist! Do not do business with this spammer, do not buy their product. I’ve been subscribing to several Craiglist RSS feeds lately. Nothing is more annoying than seeing the same Spam Ads being posted, day after day that have nothing to do with the the topic they are filed under. Hardworking honest citizens of the web use Craigslist to get work, pay the bills, feed the cat and kids.

Web Success Pros – www.websuccesspros.com (links to Carbon Copy Pro and -oneyearplan.net) loves to post their keyword laden ad links every couple of days. While I have nothing against people trying to market these schemes I am dead against this shite turning up on CL every day. I am hereby starting my own personal crusade against these low life maggots of the interwebs. I encourage anyone who is equally disgusted to contact the ISPs of these companies and have their sites pulled. Craigslist is one of the last bastions of spam free classified Ad and let try to keep it that way.

Epidemic Spamming of Craigslist

Do a search for craigslist and websucesspros.com and you’ll see how much spam these guys are putting out. I got 30 results returned – wow, these guys are wasting serious job hunters time on a monumental level!

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Below is some of their marketing BS. Some hired goon posting next to a friend who has a real job’s BMW.

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