Month: August 2009

  • Thank you Richard “Bloody” Reid!

    Thank you “Richard Bloody Reid”, thank you! I am referring to the fellow Brit with the same first name who tried to unsuccessful (thank god) blow up his sneakers while on board a transatlantic flight from the UK to the US in 2006. Because of you, you silly wanker!, tens of millions of us here…

  • When it comes to love and dating are we too fussy? Has

    I just read this great article in the Washington Post on how we’ve become too fussy when it comes to choosing a mate. I was wondering what people’s deal breakers were – what action or mannerism will make you call things off on say the third date? The Washington Post article lists some funnies; one…

  • stats – Stats not looking so good at 2 week mark

    A quick post about my experience with at week 2 of my foray into interweb dating. I’ve sent out 50 odd emails, only got about 10 replies and have gone on approximately ZERO dates. Sure it’s a numbers game right, the more emails you send the more responses you’ll get back and the more…