SCAM ALERT — Local Records Office – 1550 Larimer St. #302, Denver, CO 80202 – 800 775 9059

Just got some very official looking documentation in the mail from my “Local Records Office” It looked like a bill but to give them credit it did say that this document is not associated with any Gov agency! Nice scammer!

So beware of anything from Local Records Office – 1550 Larimer St. #302, Denver, CO 80202 – 800 775 9059. They just want to charge you for something you can probably get for free from the legit city of county building in your hometown.

Brilliant scam though, I’m thinking of forming a few business, Xcel billing dept, Local Water Board / Office or Boulder Police Office and then mass mailing thousands of phony bills to poor unsuspecting pensioners and the infirm. Great Karma is coming their way!