WiFI, Coffee and a view – The New Moon Bakery in Nederland, Colorado

With the demise of the popular coffee shop known as Acoustic Coffee and the lack of internet at the little coffee shop that’s located in a rail road car, Nederland appeared to be up the proverbial smelly creek when it came to sipping the brown stuff and surfing the Internet. Well I’m glad to report all is not lost. The space that used to house Katmandu several years ago is now home to a coffee shop and bakery (The New Moon Bakery) that boasts among other things a speedy WIFI internet connection.

Being the geek that I am I was curious to partake of the coffee and the wonderful fresh feeling of WiFi at 9000ft. After ordering a bog standard “Soy Cafe O’lay” I firined up my icy cold Powerbook. I’d been cross country skiing by the Moffet Tunnel and lappy had waited patiently for me for a couple of hours in the trunk of my car. It was literally icy cold to the touch and I’d ready somewhere that you should let a laptop that has been left in a cold car warm up to room temperature for half an hour or so. Summin to do with the squishy LCD material. Well I digress so on with my tale. I started by running a speed test that resulted in a slowish 256k download and 700k upload speed, something on paper that sounds piss poor but in reality after browsing some of my favorite sites I concluded that it was in fact pretty zippy and probably connected to a T1 line somewhere.

The coffee wasn’t too shabby either and if you sit in the front of the coffee shop there is a nice big row of windows where you can watch the world go by, gaze off into the distance at the green hillside of pines as well as get a nice view of the public shite house that is a mere 30 feet from the front door. So next time you’re in Nederland give New Moon Bakery a try.

The cafe can be found in Nederland (16.8 miles from Boulder up Boulder Canyon):

1 W 1st St
Nederland, CO 80466

Hours: Open Sun 8am-3:30pm, Mon-Tues 6am-3:30pm, Wed-Fri 6am-5pm, and Sat 7am-5pm. Tel. (303) 258-3569

Here is a Google Maps link