Mystery number 402-935-7733 and PayPal charge on bank account – relax!

So skimming our credit card transaction I came across the following:

Purchase / PAYPAL *FAIRCHILDFI 402-935-7733 CA Date ………

Scam or legit charge!

What…. I have a PayPal account but don’t recall using it to pay $160 x 2 so decided to dig a little deeper.

There are numerous alarmist articles on the interwebs about the phone number, 402-935-7733. Well, it turns out that it belongs to PayPal and they’ve had the same number for at least 10 years!!

Here is the breakdown of the text in your statement:

Purchase – You bought something – duh!

PAYPAL – Elon’s old company – $61.84 Billion company, not some dodgy scammers from St Petersburg!

*FAIRCHILDFI – this is who you paid, it will be the name of persons or company name – in our case a lovely lady who was our kids running coach – Melody Fairchild.

402-935-7733 – Pay Pal’s phone number, they’ve had it for past 10 years!

Beware of Alarmist Articles!

You think the alarmists would have realized that by now!? This transaction simply is a record of someone you paid via your credit card and who used PayPal as their payment processor – you personally don’t need to have a PayPal account to see this charge on your credit card statement.

So it’s really just a legit charge, in my case made by my better half. I was confused as I sometime pay via PayPal and didn’t recall making this charge – it was to a running coach for our two little money sucking buggers aka kids!

click bait at best!