Tweaking the DD-WRT for WRT54GL

My trusty Linksys WRT54GL router is modded with the DD-WRT firmware. This tweak supposedly turns you $60 router into a $600 router by adding certain features such as the ability to run the router as a hot spot device for an internet cafe, the ability to turn up the power and lots of other goodies.

After installing the updated software on your router you’re left with a nice interface and lots of variables to tweak. And tweak I did cos somewhere along the slippery slope of excess tweaking without know what the bloody hell I was actually changing I managed to slow down my WIFI connection. So here are some notes on how to check you WIFI connection speed out and what to tweak or in my case untweak so as to get a decent throughput back.

My biggest problem appeared to be that my connection Rate appear to vary between 11Mbps ad 24Mbps. You can check you s at Status > Wireless. I noted that someone was having the same problems in this post where someone suggest turning down the Transmit power that I had set to full!! So I turned it down to 110mw (It can be set at Wireless > Advanced Settings) and now I’m seeing a reading of 54Mbps. This I’m sure is not a truly accurate reflection of the actual speed but YouTube videos appear to be play and load better now. I also was playing around with Afterburner, this hosed my WIFI connection and I had to connect with LAN cable.

So in summary, don’t mess with the default setting unless you know what you are doing!