My Classic A6 for sale Ad on Craigslist

[inline:1] I finally got a 1999 A8 Quattro so I reluctantly need to sell my 1995 A6 Quattro! (I have no need for two cars and you can only serve one master right)

Specs: Color gray with black cloth (All Wheel Drive) – 5 speed – V6 170hp with 136k miles. Heated seats and sunroof. Electric drivers seat. Headlight washer (currently disconnected). The car comes with two sets of wheels/tires, hi-performance 17 inch summers and Dunlop non-studded snows – Note: radio and subwoofer will be removed or sold separately ( I have a high end pioneer DEH8600MP $450 – MP3 CD player that is in the car you can purchase from me but you can have the old radio / tape player) ($6300 KBB for car is $5300 + $400 for snows and A4 rims in good condition and $600 for Hi-performance 17inch summer tires Kumo and sweet new wheels, just paid $1200 for summer tires and rims)).

Watch Energy Crisis 2012 – ShootOut 2005 finalist

Here are some links to view the wonderful award winning moive we made for The Shoot Out Boulder 2005, the 24 hour film fest that takes place here in Boulder ever October. Click the play button on the bottom left of the window below and enjoy. If you get a “The movie is currently not available” message then jump to the “Other ways to see the movie” section.

Watch on YouTube

Equipment recommended from Podcast

Listening to a new Podcast that I just subscribed to about video production. The presenter made a few recommendations regarding video kit: ( These were made in episode 14 of a Pixelriffic Podcast) Mic’s: Wireless mic’s – he like the Senheiser Evolution range. Wired mics for vocals at around $100 or so Sure SM58 and […]


Shoot Out Boulder – notes on screening of last years films

So Jiah and I went down to the screening of some of last years jewels at the Outlook Hotel near the old Perkins off 28th st.. Oh boy! The setting was far from ideal with the deep voiced horsy sounding barmaid complaining about not being able to watch the pussy football game on the TVs. The sound levels varied between “jump from your seats to turn the din down” to “turn up your hearing aid to maximum” so you can hear the inaudible hiss. Apart from the less than idea surroundings I noted the following:

Firefox Passwords files OSX vs Linux

I was tying to copy across my Firefox browser data (my bookmarks and saved passwords) from my Linux / Fedora Core 3 laptop to my Mac G5 and ran into a little strangeness with the naming convention used for the password file. Here is what I found:


James Peak Wilderness – Backpacking

We decided to take a little overnight jaunt up to Heart Lake which is situated about 800ft below the continental divide in the James Peak Wilderness Area. We started at the east side of the Moffet Tunnel which is located about 4 mile west of the town of Rollinsville which is just off the Peak to Peak Highway. The South Boulder Creek Trail follows the South Boulder Creek all the way up to Heart lake so it was a relatively easy 4 mile climb in nice cloudy 70F weather. The pups had fun and managed to find some nice mud holes. We had a good laugh at them as they emerged from the mud with their newly acquired black mud booties -very sexy! There were quite a few people on the trail but most were heading for the closer Crater Lake. We made it to Heart lake in about 3 hours and proceeded to scout out the area for a secluded camp site.


Flat Tops Wilderness – July 2005

On Friday July 15th Aimee, I and the pups set off for a little weekend getaway to The Flat Tops Wilderness Area – the 2nd largest wilderness area in Colorado. It’s a large area who‚Äôs center is located above Glenwood Springs. It was about a four hour drive or so and the final 17 miles were a rutted dirt road with particularly sharp and nasty loose stones covering it. It was one of these stones I theorized that broke a piece off my plastic gas tank protector under the car and also loosened or split a little gas tank breather hose around the same area.

Open Source to the Rescue – Software for the masses, Firefox, ThunderBird, OpenOffice and Spybot – XP, Mac and Linux

Software for the masses – Open Source Software to the Rescue.

(Updated March 2th 2006)

The Problem: A bloke in little brown shorts has just handed you a big cardboard box which contains your brand new Sony lappy. You unwrap it like an excited kid on Christmas morning and nervously turn it on. To your dismay you discover that the MS Office icon is no where to be seen, you didn’t want to fork over an extra $300 – $400 dollars for it (hell your lappy was only $800) and, you dare not click the little blue Internet Explorer icon as you’ve read an article that claims web surfers have lost more than $500 million due Phishing caused by security flaws in this wonderful Micro$oft program. So it appears that you’ve just forked over $800 of your hard earned lolly for jack shite!


About is the home of Richard’s web Portal – a gateway to all things Richard. Here you’ll find articles I have written on my travels, filmmaking endeavours, culture, humor, computer shite and more. To see a summary of the entire website click here. Our new theme, GlossyBlue, is thanks to Nick La @ N.Design Studio.
