Denver DNC poisoner ? Who was Abdirahman Dirie

Who was Saleman Abdirahman Dirie? His body was found in a Denver Hotel on Aug 13th with a pound of Cyanide. Is the timing of this even in relation to the upcoming DNC purely coincidental? A blog posting found here from someone of the same name shed some more light on this mystery man and possible sinister plot perhaps?

Blog posting and response

  • Article on For Jesus! condemns in the strongest terms possible the barbaric murder of Ali Mustaf Maka’il on September 7, 2006. Ali was shot and killed in Mogadishu by a militia member of the jihadist Union of Islamic Courts after he refused to join a Qur’an chanting crowd in response to the lunar eclipse.
  • Response by a “Abdirahman Dirie”:Please don’t talk shit , that man deserves what happened to him , simply because having the bible in one hand , and a bread in the other hand , is not a correct thing ,! Kill Them , Kill them , Kill them , that is my massage,! – Comment by Abdirahman Dirie — July 11, 2008 @ 10:33 pm

Was this blog posing made by the same person . Your comments please!