Audio Books at the iTunes Music Store – kool!

The iTunes music store has tens of millions of songs and also to my delight a good selection of audio books. Remember you don’t need an Ipod or even a Mac to download and listen to music from the Itunes music store

Books on tape as they used to be know seem to be in vogue now as almost anything you can get at the local big box book store you can download onto your iPod or mp3 player. I’m ashamed to say I currently doen’t have an iTunes account but by the time you read this article I will of clicked on the linly below and my trangression will be cast into Steve’s “sea of forgetfulness”!

Don’t laugh but here are my first two purchases:

How To Make People Like You In 90 Seconds or Less

Guiding readers from the first encounter, through body language, to the end of a conversation, Boothman doles out advice for establishing rapport with anyone, in any kind of situation.

Getting Things Done-The Art of Stress-Free Productivity

Getting Things Done-The Art of Stress-Free Productivity is David’s proven guide to staying on top of it all in a world where communication and responsibilities are increasing exponentially. Part I describes the game, Part II coaches you through implementing the system, and Part III explores the subtler and more profound benefits you will experience when you incorporate these core principles and proven tricks into your work and your life.

Here is a link to the Audio Book Selection at the Itunes Music store.