Panasonic P2 runtime chart – Comparison of E Series and A Series Cards

Below is a table that shows how many minutes of footage you can record on a P2 card. There is now a 64 Gig card that runs around $900 so you can finally get 1 hour of full quality video per card!! For the run and gun type stuff I plan to do, I’m thinking […]


Block Phone Number T-Mobile

If you’re receiving unwanted calls or texts and you’re a T-Mobile subscriber then you can block the offending number by calling customer service at 1-800-937-8997 and they should be able to block the call on their end. Some phones have the ability to block calls from the handset (Memoir™,Behold™, and Highlight™) but if you’re unsure […]

Panasonic HMC40 AVCHD Video Camera info page & Apture test

Here is a collection of info from across the web on the new Panasonic AVCHD camera, the HMC40. It’s the smaller brother of the HMC150 and costs about $1500 less. It can be bought for about $1900 at B&H (sans XLR adaptor). Why do we love this camera so – it’s shoot full HD resolution […]

Amateur Storm Chasing – Banned by The Discovery Channel – A YouTube sensation!

This three part mini documentary follows two amateur tornado chasers as they race around Eastern Colorado in search of tornados. After the documentary had been reviewed and rejected by The Discovery Channel an anonymous employee describe the pair as “clueless, ill equipped, foul mouthed wankers!”. Follow their hilarious antics that end in inevitable failure, thousands […]