Independent America – A Documentary on how big box stores are changing America

Just ordered this DVD – “Independent America:

The Two-Lane Search for Mom & Pop.” It’s the story of two filmakers as they drive 13,000 miles across America’s backroads to document the growing insurgency against corporate retail.


Corporate Sexual Harassment Training Video

On a serous note: We had a meeting at work today and the difficult topic of sexual harassment came up. I really had a new understanding of the subject after watching a short video on the subject (the creators were kind enough to have posted an online version) I think as men we should all be aware of this kind of behavior and and try our best to be gentlemen at all times. I encourage you to forward this to as many guys as possible and let’s help stamp out this kind of antisocial behavior for good!

Relationships – what I want!

I just deleted my sucks article and decided to put energy into writing about what I want not what I don’t want. Just got a some inspiration from watching a DVD that a friend lent me called “The Secret” that basically says we are our thoughts and that our thoughts will manifest into reality. Negative thoughts will manifest into the physical word as negative outcome and experience. Sounds somewhat New Age and wacky but I’m going to give it a try, what do I have to loose apart from my somewhat negative, glass half empty outlook I have on certain aspects of my life, especially relationships.

Ted Haggard, Evangelical preacher, drugs and gay sex

It’s just plain rotten to kick someone when they’re down but I can’t help myself when I hear news like this. Ted Haggard is one of the top evangelical leaders in the US, an outspoken opponent to gay marriage and a personal friend of the Focus on the Family chump we know and love, James Dobson. He’s just been accused of buying drugs and having gay sex with a male prostitute. What a day: the news media are ruining poor Kerry simply because he forget to add a few words to the end of a joke written by his staff and Ted Haggard is fessing up to some of what his accuser is saying regarding the drugs and sex – wow!

Some Video from Boulder’s annual Naked Pumpkin Run

The 2006 Naked Pumpkin Run has been banned by YouTube, I’m working on getting it uploaded elsewhere. But check out the 2007 Naked Pumpkin Run Video – click here or the 2008 Naked Pumpkin Run Video here. There was no run in 2009 due to a police crack down headed by Boulder’s Chief of Police […]


Jesus Jacket – with Benny Hinn

Benny Hinn meets Benny Hill! See him swat the congregation with his “Jesus Jacket”!

CHAOS Boulder is a secret Boulder Hiking Outdoor Club

Chaos Boulder is a secret Hiking Club based somewhere in Boulder Colorado. Some say it has a membership in the hundreds and that it was started by a bloke called Coy.

“Google” Chaos Boulder or Boulder Chaos and you will see that this club is truly clandestine with only a few brave souls like myself daring to mentioning its name. Chaos is currently being monitored by the NSA and other Government agencies. Some also say that Chaos in Boulder is better that Chaos Denver who are reported to be a bunch of piss cats, of loose morals and irregular of bowel.

Crazy dancing Indian dwarf child

Who is this dwarf / boy child and in the name of Jesus why is he smoking?! What is wrong with his voice? Oh the joys of YouTube. This is just wrong, so wrong ….

Upgrading Drupal 4.6 to 4.7.3

My site was originally implement with a 4.6 version of Drupal so months later after I’d installed 5 or so other site with the new 4.7.3 version I thought it would be nice to upgrade. Nice thought but in reality when I ran the upgrade script and watched the video too (thanks see the video here) all was not well. I ended up with a shite load of errors and images missing. Having recently coded some php to dump pages into drupal from sql text files I took it on as a little project and here is my experience. I do have the php code for those who wish – I’m a horrible coder so email me if you wish to look at this dogs breakfast! These are just my notes and you’ve probably have to of gotten your hands quite durty in the past to know what the hell I’m talking about here.

Cafe Prasad – not so sad?

Cafe Prasad describes it’s self as a “Veggie Restaurant” and was voted one of the top 10 Veggie Restaurants in the US in a recent survey.

Last time I ate there I was a little disappointed. They have a great buffet and the buffet food is sold by weight. Being hungry, very hungry I piled my plate with some yummy curry and other goodies and on checkout discovered that it came to the pricly sum of $14, bloody hell! Not that the food was bad, it was excellent but I just felt that for the same price I could of walked down the street to the Dushanbe Tea House, a real restaurant, sat down and dinned on an equally yummy dish for the same price in nicer surroundings.