
Boulder RightSizing – a solution to the contentious issue!

So while things boil out of control in Eastern Ukraine, tens of thousands still die of malaria and the Middle East, well, it’s a right balls up, Boulder CO too is facing its very only crisis. First we had a consultant hired by the city using the F-word in public, yes that’s right and now […]


Trains stolen from Boulder, CO – new trains on order!

Ok, so I’m not talking about the trains Boulder was promised some 10 years ago, we got a bunch of bloody old tarted up busses with new seats instead. I’m talking about the trains, the wooden Thomas the Tank Engine Trains that reside in the kids section at the Barnes & Noble bookstore. Some rascal […]


Shoe Bomber & Underpants Bomber mugshots

Every time you begrudgingly remove your shoes for the nice TSA man at airport security send a bad though Mr Reid’s way! Now when you’re stripped down to your skivvies, send another nasty thought the Underpants Bomber’s way too!!


McCain refers to supporters as “Fellow Prisoners” – WTF!

At a rally on Wed, John McCain referred to his supporters as “fellow prisoners” Is our old pal still fantasizing about bygone games of “whoops, I’ve dropped the soap” and “prison rodeo sans horses”? I am seriously thinking of starting a new group for this old codger, “Convicts for Mc Cain”.


George Carlin Dead – Video – Religion is Bullshit

RIP funny man – “CNN – George Carlin, the influential comedian whose routines used profanity, scatology and absurdity to point out the silliness and hypocrisy of human life, has died. He was 71.”


Silly Chinese Board Game

What in god’s name is this game all about!


YouTube Bans Naked Pumpkin Run Video – Bad YouTube!

I was informed today, Nov 8th, that my 2007 Naked Pumpkin Run Video has been pulled from YouTube. I logged onto my account and sure enough I saw the words “Rejected (content inappropriate)” next to it!

YouTube you suck, no really, It’s OK to publish wanton acts of Violence, rip long scenes from bootlegged DVDs and issue a message to the world before you go and shoot your mates in the school yard but nudity, well have none of that!


Manchester Bus Lanes – ouch!

The city of my birth, Manchester, has decided to get tough on drivers who illegally use bus lanes. The solution is simple, drive in the bus lane when you’re not supposed to and they’ll deploy their secret weapon from below the surface of the road causing your vehicle to make an abrupt stop! For those […]


Passion of Christ according to Benny Hill

For those deeply religious and devout christians among you, you are about to be deeply offended, for all others, have a good chuckle!


Corporate Sexual Harassment Training Video

On a serous note: We had a meeting at work today and the difficult topic of sexual harassment came up. I really had a new understanding of the subject after watching a short video on the subject (the creators were kind enough to have posted an online version) I think as men we should all be aware of this kind of behavior and and try our best to be gentlemen at all times. I encourage you to forward this to as many guys as possible and let’s help stamp out this kind of antisocial behavior for good!